This storyboard about grief is everything

By Charlea - Wednesday, March 04, 2015

My Mum's funeral roses

As I well know, grief is a long and difficult journey - and one full of questions. There's no right or wrong way to grieve, all we know is that we must do it in order to progress. There's no manual, there's no guidance, you just let your emotions come and do as you do. The results? Every single emotion imaginable coming sporadically - mostly uninvited and unexpected - across a period of time that cannot be determined either. It's exhausting, I tell you. I'm currently in a moving forward phase, but even that is proving difficult - every time I think I'm making progress, grief rears its ugly head to remind me that my life without mum is never going to be the same again. That said, I came across this storyboard the other day by the very talented Natasha Kline and it really spoke to me in a positive way:

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